Membership in IWF is by invitation only, and you are one of only 7000 members worldwide, and of 120 members here in BC. Membership fees go towards hosting high quality, professional leadership, networking and learning events, and in providing information and access to IWF Global’s outstanding events as well. IWF BC does not have any employees, and its administrative management comes through contract. None of the IWF BC Board or Committee members receive compensation.

This is a member-driven forum, built by members, for members!

Membership fees are set by the Board of Directors, and are for an annual term coinciding with the calendar year. Fees are due by December 31, and may be paid by:

Thank you for keeping your membership current!

If you have recently received a reminder notice, or if you are a new member paying a prorated membership fee, please remit your payment as soon as possible. Membership that is not renewed by the notice period on your invoice is at risk of being revoked.